Photon H3 24V 70W White Xen Vision Single Blister Bulb is a high quality bulb used in automobile headlights. With its 24V and 70W power capacity, it provides strong illumination and offers drivers a better visibility. With white Xenon light, illumination with a high color temperature is achieved, which provides clearer and sharper vision. It is sold in single blister packaging, is easily replaceable and is made of high quality materials. Photon H3, a reliable option among the bulbs used in automobile headlights, offers drivers a safe and comfortable driving experience. The durable structure and long-lasting performance of the bulb ensures user satisfaction and ensures that vehicle lighting systems work effectively. Photon H3 24V 70W White Xen Vision Single Blister Bulb is an ideal option to meet the need for quality lighting. If you want to get information about the prices of Photon H3 24V 70W White div>