B7 is the lightest seat in the world, complying with FIA standard 8855-1999. Weighing in at 3.8 kg, this chair arguably has the best performance on the market due to its incredibly compact design, high strength, ultra-lightness, unrivaled support and manufacturing accuracy. color="#000000">Some brands use misleading statements next to their FIA seats. In their advertisements, they claim that their product is the lightest. However, we can easily say this: "Tillett is the brand that offers the only 3.8 kg seat in the world that complies with FIA-approved 8855-1999 standards." It is achieved by manufacturing with a highly advanced molding technique.
As in the Tillett seats, the B7 also supports the entire upper part of the body, where the shoulders do not support the car. It has a carefully sculpted shape that leaves it free to steer without encountering obstruction. The high level of support throughout the seat and the removal of all pressure points is so comfortable that the seat does not need to be covered in any way. This not only aids practicality in convertibles, but also allows for a much lower driving position than a seat with thick foam cushions. With its design, B7 keeps the passenger in the desired position in the cockpit. It is vital to prevent the seat belt and Hans device from loosening during an accident.
Different edge cuts are available. B7-44 / B7-47 This feature allows for a more aesthetically pleasing line, making it easier to enter and exit the vehicle. Therefore, we recommend using these models if you have space.
Compatible Seat Brackets
Compatible Seat Panels
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