www.autopartia.com will never share buyers' and members' personal information with third parties or institutions for any reason. Personal information will never be disclosed to third parties or institutions for statistical, commercial, or similar purposes.
Definition of Personal Information: Personal information refers to the name, surname, address, contact details, email address, phone numbers, and date of birth of the buyer or member.
www.autopartia.com unconditionally commits to keeping members' and buyers' personal information strictly confidential and private, treating it as a trade secret. It undertakes to take all necessary precautions to ensure and maintain confidentiality, preventing any part of this confidential and private information from becoming public, being misused, or being disclosed to third parties or institutions. However, despite implementing necessary security measures, www.autopartia.com shall not be held responsible if confidential information is compromised or accessed by third parties due to cyberattacks on the website or system.
www.autopartia.com has taken and continues to take the necessary measures to ensure the highest level of security for customers' card information.
No one, including www.autopartia.com officials and employees, can access or retrieve your credit card/bank card details except for you and authorized bank officials.
What is SSL?
SSL stands for "Secure Socket Layer." It was developed by Netscape and is a system that encrypts your card details during transactions, ensuring that only the "BANK" can decrypt and process them. This encryption creates a 100% secure environment.
Necessary precautions are taken within the 128-bit SSL security system, an internationally recognized encryption and security protocol.
Your payment is approved based on the bank's response, whether positive or negative. This process takes only 1-2 seconds.
www.autopartia.com does not store, copy, or reuse customers' card details. The information you enter is strictly between you and the bank, and the website has no access to or control over it.
Using a physical POS terminal in stores is as secure as processing your payment online via a VIRTUAL POS system.
Is www.autopartia.com secure?
All critical information you provide before and after your order is 100% secured. www.autopartia.com holds an SSL certificate and has undergone all necessary evaluations under European Union regulations and directives, obtaining its certificate through Globalsign. The platform is fully licensed with the required Globalsign certifications.